"Find a light"
Cover illustration for Pismo magazine.
"Justice for catfishing"
Wired magazine.
"In the theater"
Wysokie Obcasy magazine.
'Oars across the grass"
 Pismo magazine.
"From under the red flag"
Wysokie Obcasy magazine.
"A man not to be taken"
Pismo magazine.
"Obsession with perfection"
Pismo magazine.
"In the Olympic village"
Pismo magazine.
"He forgot to shoot himself"
Pismo magazine
Wizje magazine.
"Nuclear explosion in the modern world"
Zetland newspaper.
"Free City Poetry"
Pismo magazine.
"100 years of solitude"
Pismo magazine
"The Modern Narcissus"
Pismo magazine
"Bloodstock: the thing about the circulation of capital"
Pismo magazine.